I promissed I’d turn my actual play thread of my game Saudade on twitter into a post here, so here I am!
Before I do that, though, a few things:
I can see the Twin Peaks I grew up exploring and the forest city that used to be the capital.
Act I
I find a new family living in the home – I was the last of my lineage to leave the planet – and an old picture book in its attic, moldy. I used to read that as a child. Exploring the Crystal Woods brings me the first wand I ever used. As part of the celebration of adulthood, I had placed it in the river and expected never to see it again.
Act II
In my travels, I’ve learned how to harness the magical energy of crystals. With that knowledge, I help build a power plant that will benefit the comunity. It would take me 4 months. The humans in Lilyduan saw the construction and asked to be included in the area of effect of the power plant, adding another 6 months to the construction time. The Crystal Power Plant provides power for both the human and fairy communities nearby, with a range of 5 sparks (aprox. 500 km)
I help with the celebrations for the departure of the new generation, in the Crystal Grove and, eventually, settle in Sunnywood to help the humans adapt to magic-based technologies.
In this act, I have to decide if I help with the new generation of space travelers and if I stay in the planet.
Again, what guided me was the short story idea I have. This character is a main character in the story, so she decides to stay, as that story will take place far in the future (imortal fairies yay!). As that story will involve human characters (two! A princess and a necromancer!), I made my fairy settle close to the human town. Keeping with the nature themes of fairy culture, I created Sunnywood for her to settle in.
That was the second decision, but what about the first? That was made purely with the desire to add more things to the map. If the character didn’t help with the new generations, I would have no opportunity to develop this aspect of the culture. So the Crystal Grove is born! I imagine the created this almost sacred place for goodbyes.
Maybe it started with the first fairy to go off world placing a crystal in the place they departed from and it grew as every fairy added their own crystal. Maybe the crystals were naturally growing there and it was a convenient place for a send-off. Whatever ends up being true when I finally write the story, I had fun playing around with these ideas.